Saturday, August 9, 2008

A story that's not a story

On Friday, it was revealed that former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards had an affair. The question is, who really cares? I know that Edwards is a two-time presidential candidate and a former vice presidential candidate, but he's a private citizen now. Shouldn't he have the right to a private life? I think so. In my mind, the only person who has a right to be concerned about this is Edwards' wife Elizabeth.

Unfortunately this is just a symptom of our tabloid culture. We spend a lot of time looking into other people's private lives. It makes you wonder if we don't have enough to worry about, what with $4 gas, a shaky economy and a war that is now in it's fifth year. It also makes me wonder which came first. Do networks put stories like this on because people watch them? Or do people watch them because they're on?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have a valid point, but I think if you choose to live a public life, you set yourself up to have every aspect of your life scrutinized.