Saturday, August 30, 2008

A curious choice

On Friday, Sen. John McCain finally announced his running mate, just a few days out from the Republican National Convention. Instead of nominating someone that people expected him to, like former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, he went with Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. I guess it shouldn't surprise me that McCain would go left when everyone else thought he should go right, but Sarah Palin? What exactly does she bring to the table?

Think about this. She's the governor of a state that has less people in it than the city of Memphis. She's a former journalist who ran her husband's fishing business. And she's a former beauty queen. How exactly does that qualify her to be a heartbeat away from the presidency?

Best I can figure, McCain is trying to make up for the perceived mistake of Barack Obama in not nominating Hillary Clinton as his VP. I think this is just a transparent attempt by McCain to win the women's vote. Hopefully, women voters will recognize this for what it is and won't let him get away with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On the contrary, my darling -

It is the fact that she DOESN'T have any experience that will make her a good VP, in my opinion. She will not have any preconceived notions about what she is "supposed" to be doing or what direction she is supposed to be going in. She will be more open to new ideas and she will bring a fresh outlook to the old, stagnant "good old boys club".

At least, this is what we republicans hope.

I love you, you poor dear.