With Donald Trump in the White House, the ghosts of Watergate have come back to haunt a whole new generation. First, we saw Trump fire his FBI director. He didn't fire him because of some grave moral failing or because he broke the law. He didn't fire him because he was incompetent. No, he fired him because of his continuing investigation into Trump's treasonous ties with Russia. This was, of course, at first flatly denied by Vice President Mike Pence, but it was later confirmed by Trump himself. And it harkens back to "The Saturday Night Massacre" during the Watergate scandal, when Nixon fired the special prosecutor looking into the whole Watergate mess.
That's just coincidence, you say? Well, consider this. Trump recently admitted in an interview that he might have taped conversations in the Oval Office. Again, Nixon did the same thing. In fact, those Nixon tapes became the crux of a legal battle which ultimately drove the final nail into the Nixon presidency's coffin. And now Trump is admitting doing the same thing? I'm sorry, but that's more than just coincidence.
If I didn't know better, I"d almost say that Trump is doing everything he can to sabotage his own presidency. It's almost like he ran for president on a whim, or to satisfy his own, massive ego. He never planned on winning. Only people liked what he had to say. They ate it up, and suddenly, he found himself leading in the polls. Trump was too proud to bow out, so he kept going. And to everyone's shock, he actually won. Now, he actually has to do something. He actually has to govern, and he's in over his head.
Now, any smart person would have admitted their error and resigned, turning government over to people who actually know something about government. But not Trump. Trump is too arrogant to ever admit that he doesn't know everything. So, unable to get out of his own web, he has set about trying to sabotage his own presidency, hoping that Congressional Republicans will do him the favor of putting him out of his misery
Only they won't. Because Congressional Republicans are just as trapped as Trump himself. To impeach him, as he already so richly deserves, would be to admit that they made a mistake, that they threw their support behind the wrong guy. That shows a serious lack of judgment on the part of the GOP. And so, they will continue to slavishly support him, even as their party founders around them.
The GOP survived Watergate in the 70s, and even came out stronger. But as many parallels as there are between our current mess and Watergate, there are also some key differences. Watergate was a simple matter of a president lying to cover up his own knowledge of a criminal act. That's bad enough. In Trump, we have a leader who is openly and gleefully incompetent. We have a leader who has no knowledge of this nation's Constitution and an open admiration for dictators. And we have a leader who has flirted with abandoning our nation's democratic principles in favor of a more authoritarian approach to governance. Trump is a cancer on the GOP. He is slowly strangling the life out of the party, and I predict that if we survive the next four years -- and that's a big if -- it will be a long time -- if ever -- before this country elects another Republican president
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
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