Sunday, March 1, 2009

A socialist state?

A little more than six weeks into his presidency, there are some people who are concerned that President Barack Obama is a socialist in sheep's clothing. That's mainly due to his massive $787 million stimulus package, and his call for a nationalized health care system.

Personally, I believe these people are overreacting. I haven't seen one thing yet that has me worried that we're headed down the path to socialism. His stimulus package is anything but socialistic. In fact, it has shades of FDR by spending money on infrastructure, which we desperately need. It worked for FDR. We still have many of the buildings, trails and parks built by the Civilian Conservation Corps, and there's no reason to think that the same won't be true once we start rebuilding our infrastructure

As for his call for universal health care, I'm not convinced that this is the answer. What I do know is that our health care system is broken and needs to be fixed. Universal health care may not be the answer, but I'm glad to see him willing to try something new, which is what he always promised.

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