Thursday, January 1, 2009

A new era dawning

Hooray! Barack Obama will be our 44th president in a little under three weeks. I'm really excited about his victory. Not only was it historic in terms of race, but it feels like the torch has finally been passed to my generation. Technically he's a baby boomer, of course, but he's much closer to a Gen X-er than anyone we've ever had in the White House.

If I'm worried about anything, it's that people expect too much out of him. People think he's going to come in and fix all of our problems. Maybe he helped contribute to that impression. I don't know. What I do know is that he's just one man, and a fallible human at that. I'm excited about the possibilities presented by an Obama presidency, but I'm realistic enough to know that he won't be able to solve all our problems right away. He probably won't be able to solve them in one term, maybe not even two. What I do think is that he can get us pointed in the right direction as a country and restore confidence, much like Ronald Reagan did almost 30 years ago. And that's a good enough start for me.

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