Friday, October 10, 2008

Is McCain's Campaign DOA?

With three weeks to go before the most important election in this nation's history, I'm beginning to wonder if McCain's campaign is DOA. It's not just that he's behind in the polls. It's not just that he has failed to take advantage of two presidential debates so far and hit a homerun. It's that the stock market continues to tank. So far during this crisis, the stock market has lost almost 40 percent of its value, compared to its high-water mark of more than 14,000, set just a year ago. It's that President Bush has no credibility left with the American people. When he spoke Friday to try to reassure Americans, the stock market immediately tanked.

People almost always vote their wallets, and as long as the economy is in the toilet and people are panicing, I think we can write the political epitaph for McCain's campaign. I agree with Pat Buchanan on this one. If Obama wins, it will be more a verdict against Republicans, not necessarily a mandate for Obama.

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