Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Some quick thoughts on the 2024 race

 It’s been a long time since I last posted here, just a shade over 3 years in fact. But it’s a presidential year, and it’s shaping up to be historic in a lot of ways, so I thought I might weigh in on current events. So without further adieu, let’s wade right in:

1. Joe Biden did the right thing by dropping out. Anyone who has watched him closely over the last year or so could see he wasn’t well, if they’re honest. He clearly suffers from dementia. The question for me is, WHY did the people around him allow him to stand for re-election? He clearly wasn’t up to the stresses of a second term, and they should have told him so. Still, he showed himself to be a class act by doing what was best for the nation instead of stroking his own ego. Trump would NEVER have done that.

2. The Biden situation shows exactly why we need age limits on those running for elective office, both for members of Congress and for the presidency. Any politician aged 70 ans older should be required to pass a cognitive screen annually. No exceptions.

3. Kamala Harris just might win this race. I originally thought she was too unlivable. But I seriously underestimated the excitement she generated. Democrats are energized, and if they turn out in large numbers in November, it won’t even be close, since Democrats outnumber Republicans 2 to 1.

4. I love Harris’s selection of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate. Here’s a guy who is truly middle-class. He’s not a millionaire like so many in Congress.. He has a military background. He is unabashedly progressive, but he has successfully improved the lives of millions in his state through programs like providing free meals for school children and free college tuition. He has a history of being bipartisan. And perhaps best of all, he knows how to handle the media. Overall, a brilliant choice.

The election is now less than 100 days away, but with Biden’s exit and Harris’ ascension, I finally have real hope that Trump might actually lose and finally be relegated to the dustbin of history. Let’s hope so. This is a race that Democrats just can’t afford to lose.